Journey tries to SCAm Again: The GAmblers Avenue E MAIL WHICH GOT JOURNEY BANNED


Sep 21, 2004
Gentlemen this is my side and I imagine you can understand by just knowing JMANN that the situation got unnecessarily out of hand.

He asked me to get him a credit agent. I told him from the beginning I had nothing to do with it. That it was a favor to him based on his help (which I understood as genuine since he wanted to become a moderator). I passed his information on to the guy who would deal with him. This guy was entertaining an agent with a 100 to 200 man package so it took the guy some time to get back to JMANN. These guys write business and book some stuff themselves. But not everyone’s business do they book upfront without knowing who they are first. I would say it is a common practice, agreed? Hell it is even more common practice to ask for a down payment first, right? Well JMANN in his haste to get his plays down hadn’t even cleared those issues before wanting to get in on the action. I would have nothing to worry, that he and Dogball lost too much if they stiffed. I insisted that it had nothing to do with me but to have all this information cleared once he was contacted. They could not call him since he has to jump offline and bad timing never made anything happen until yesterday.

JMANN jumped the gun and “told” Dogball and others that he had a deal ready to go and THREW my name in it. He told them I HAD gotten him a package with credit without fronting any funds, without knowing who the hell they are or any of it. I NEVER VOUCHED FOR HIM AND NEVER SAID I DID. He hadn’t even asked for payment details and that shocked me but it was NOT my business. Had it been my boss or my book I would have then and there said NO deal. In order to honor my offering a favor I continued to pester the others to simply contact him and figure it out.

He kept taunting that he wanted it to get done and through the cracks “helped” organize a contest on the IM with me. Obviously since he was committed by his own word to getting this done he got pissed when the guy told him that he would rather have him book the business and they would write it. When I had spoken to him he mentioned him and Dogball would be the interested parties. To me that sounded like JMANN and DOGBALL were gonna book the business potentially since he said something about DOGBALL honoring I don’t know who’s 7k. In the end he got insulted cause he wanted someone to just book him without knowing who he is, where he is from etc. I have all the transcript of IM’s that went back and forth with this gent. So anything I say I KNOW is the real deal….

Now emails fly one way and the other and it is very frustrating. Dogball has contacted us to disclaim any wrong doing and I am well aware it is the truth since I have not once spoken to him prior to today. Others have already noticed the issue which is very saddening due to the fact that a guy with so much energy will no longer be available to offer his insight on the forum. I wish everyone, JMANN included, the best luck in the world and a very happy INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!! It is a shame a simple favor gets blown sky high, but we must live and learn. I’ve nothing to hide and am embarrassed this issue hit kindergarten level. To all please excuse.

Thanks to all.


Customer Service

Sep 20, 2004
I DID NOT GET BANNED !!!! I was told to cool it for a day or too, til I talked to Ken , the truth came out in the end! And Dogbowl can`t stand that i made him look like the scammer that he is....I WILL NO LONGER ADDRESS THIS SHIT HERE..My income doesn`t rely on this forums perception of me like his obviously does....This is one persons OPINION BEFORE ALL THE FACTS WERE OUT! Since the facts came out ...I WAS REINSTATED WITH FULL RIGHTS, and an apology was made to me...FU(K OFF DOGSHIT!

I m not gonna trash your little side business anymore, its already been trashed enough, go get some more ghosts to talk to in your baseball picks thread retard.

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